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Regional Mission Grants - Mission Essential

Rev. Dominic Rivkin

Want to try out a new, innovative, outreach ministry to connect with the people in your community? How about launch a new worship service, incubating a new church plant? Is it time to add a Kindergarten class, and impact the reach of your pre-school ministry? ALL of these could be blessed by a 2021 District Mission Grant! Every year we are honored to distribute the dollars tithed to District mission through the Regional Mission Councils. Each region is allocated funds to support new missions of innovation, incubation, and impact. Applications are OPEN and available on our District website. This year you can apply for a grant in one of three levels; from a few extra dollars to try out something new to a more substantial amount for building up the scale of your mission's outreach capacity. Check out the 2021 Grant opportunities and begin praying about how your ministry will partner with your District to advance the mission of Jesus Christ in the coming year!

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